
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Health and Fitness With Breathing Exercises

Ubqari Magazine - May 2013

Sheikh Abdul Hameed Abid, Kaamonke

Stretch the tongue out of the mouth and fold it along its length to form a tube. Now make a”C-like” voice and breathe the air in. Now hold it according to the abovementioned methods and breathe it out through the nose. This exercise cleans the blood, decreases the abnormally increased appetite and quenches the thirst.

Certainly you also wish that you never become sick. Fever, indigestion, constipation, illnesses of blood and lungs, bad stomach, cough and asthma, head ache etc. never come close to you, that you have a sharp memory and a fresh mind. That your age may increase by 10–15 years. All of this is possible and the wonderful thing is that you will not have to spend a dime on it. Nor would you have to do any hard and painstaking exercises. For these easy exercises you will just have to spare 10–15 minutes daily.

These are exercises of yoga. That can be done by everyone; young, old and children in every season. This proves as much effective for the women as much as it proves effective for men. It is called”paraana yaam”which means to control breathing and vital forces.

In these exercises you exhale completely. You empty the lungs and fill fresh air slowly in your lungs. And when there is no more capacity to fill air in them you hold the breath as much as you can. And then you slowly release it. This process of breathing in, holding the breath and releasing it is called ‘paraana yaam”. After this exercise you feel mental agility and strength inside yourself. This corrects your thoughts and you feel as if depression and mental junk are getting away from your mind. And when you will become expert in this, you will feel as if your body has been electrified. Without the use of any tonic, every week the person will start feeling him/her-self as stronger.

There are different wonderful techniques for performing this exercise. The best place for performing these exercises is a bank of river, stream, canal, lake or a sea shore. If you do not have access to any such place then you can perform it on the roof top of your house. Or even an airy room will suffice. Although this exercise can be done at any time of the day but the best time for doing this is before sunrise because at this time the proportion of oxygen in air is maximum. While doing this exercise there should not be any strain or stress in the nerves. Free yourself from mental tension, worry and perplexity. Like this,you will become more peaceful while performing this exercise.

First Method: Spread a clean sheet or a carpet on the floor and sit down on it. Now hold the right leg from the angle and bend it from the knee and place it on the left thigh. Now similarly fold the left leg and place it on the right thigh. The legs should perfectly rest on the thighs. Initially this will sound difficult. But by the passage of time you will get used to it. This style of sitting is called foot-lock. In this state keep your neck and back straight. Place the hands on the knees. Sitting like this in itself is a very beneficial exercise. This enhances the digestive ability. This also ameliorates arthritis (Gatthiyya) pain by increasing the blood flow in the joints. (Depending on whether the sores are not too much) This strengthens the tissues of the thighs and feet too. Initially keep on sitting like this for 5 minutes and breathe in and out. After five days, increase 1 minute on a daily basis. Now with the right thumb close the right nostril Breath fresh air in through the left nostril, so much so that the lungs become full of air. Try to hold this air in the lungs for as long as possible. When it is impossible to hold air any longer release it through the right nostril slowly. For the second time, close the left nostril and repeat the first procedure through the right nostril. When the air is filled in the lungs, slowly release it through the left nostril. This will complete one cycle. Initially, do this procedure for 5 times in a day and then increase it to 20 times.

While doing this establish this concept in mind that pure traits such as balance of thought, mercy and honesty, love and piety, happiness, forgiveness and truth are gaining root in you. And devilish traits such as hatred, jealousy, greed and spite are vanishing. If this is not possible, keep on reciting the personal name of Allah (i.e. Allah) in your heart.

Keep the proportion of breathing in, holding the breath and releasing it out such that if you take 4 seconds to breathe in, then hold the breath for 16 seconds and take 8 seconds to breathe out. This exercise can be done while walking standing, sitting or lying in a bed.

This exercise improves the digestive ability, removes phlegm, and cleans the blood and freshens the facial looks. Moreover, the benefits of sitting in a foot-locked position are also achieved.

Second Method: This is more beneficial as compared to the first method. However, it is better that first you become used to the first method and then adopt it. Sit in the foot-locked position as described above. Take a deep breath with both of the nostrils. Breathe in so slowly that no voice is produced as a result. When the lungs become absolutely full of air, try to hold the breath for as long as possible. Then release the air through the mouth by folding the lips in a way as if you are whistling. It should take at least 5 seconds to breathe in and out. Initially, try to hold the breath for 30 seconds. Then gradually increase it to 5 minutes. This exercise can be done while walking, standing or even lying. This exercise removes dryness from the head, heat from the brain and fogginess. Digestive ability enhances. Phlegm from the throat is released. Blood is cleansed. Heavy breathing and asthma are cured. The person who is used to this exercise remains safe from phlegmy and nervous illnesses, cough, fever, swelling of the heels, weakness of the stomach and dysentery.

Third Method: Stretch the tongue out of the mouth and fold it along its length to form a tube. Now make a “C-like” voice and breathe the air in. Now hold it according to the above mentioned methods and breathe it out through the nose. This exercise cleans the blood, decreases the abnormally increased appetite and quenches the thirst. Other than that, it is effective for fever, different illnesses, and stomach disorders. This exercise proves to be most effective during summers and uplifts the mood and produces freshness. 

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